
Bringing preventable injuries to life


Preventable injuries are the number one cause of death for British Columbians aged 1-44. But too many people are complacent about the problem: they believe “accidents” are beyond their control and only happen to other people. Preventable asked us to challenge this complacency in a way that would get noticed and generate buzz.


We developed a series of executions that spoke to people in the moment of risk: in the places and scenarios where serious injuries typically occur, whether that’s a busy lakeshore, a ski hill or even an everyday street. By creating activations and ambient executions that put our safety messaging in places where traditional advertising couldn’t reach, we created a disruptive impact on passers-by, encouraging them to shift their attitude towards preventable injuries.




Laughing Lifejackets
Vancouver’s beloved “A-Maze-Ing Laughter” sculpture at English Bay seemed like the perfect opportunity to remind visitors of the importance of proper safety equipment while on the water. The oversized life jackets (each almost six feet in size) were custom-created for each statue, making for a safety message that was hard to miss and impossible to ignore.

Results: Our laughing lifejackets earned an estimated 37,200 impressions worth $11,000, from local TV stations, plus 6,000 organic (unpaid) impressions on social media.

Banana Peel
A banana peel on the ground is an almost-universal symbol of an accident waiting to happen. So we built an 8-foot-high banana peel sculpture and placed it in Vancouver’s busiest intersection, showing British Columbians that most “accidents” are entirely predictable and therefore preventable.

Results: Our giant banana peel earned an estimated 16,200 impressions and 1,250 engagements. A media release brought amplification from news coverage, including a TV interview segment and three online articles. A coinciding social media program provided an additional 150,000 impressions.

More Ambient Executions

Overall Results

Thanks to their visual impact and disruptive and highly targeted placement, each and every one of our ambient executions generated considerable buzz and media coverage, reminding British Columbians to think twice about preventable injuries.