Introducing a new insurance model to the province


To put an end to soaring insurance rates, the BC government was introducing a new insurance model. Despite making insurance more affordable, the announcement was set to face harsh criticism as previous attempts to change BC’s insurance model had failed. Working with the government, ICBC needed to build understanding and support for the new model.


As the introduction of a new insurance model was controversial, the campaign required an extra level of confidentiality. It also required flexibility. Multiple stakeholders with political involvement and legal requirements meant that campaign messaging was constantly changing. The end result was an informative, multimedia campaign that connected with our audience by reflecting them. It featured a range of British Columbians going about their day in their local neighbourhood while highlighting how the new insurance model would benefit them.


Our campaign resonated. It launched without leaks and, more importantly, it helped British Columbians understand what the new insurance model meant for them and how it would help get car insurance in BC on the right track.



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